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About New York City Anime and me
Note: Check out the Time Out New York article on me shopping for anime.
About the New York City Anime web site
My name is Clyde Adams III. I created this site in 1998; it was not originally at this web address.
My goal for New York City Anime is to make it the best web guide to anime resources in New York City and vicinity. I can not achieve this alone. I encourage anyone to email me with information or suggestions.
New York City Anime is my personal hobby web site. It is not a non-profit or charity site, nor is it commercial. I might host paid advertising on the site (but I never have yet).
I am an Amazon.com associate. If you go to Amazon.com from a link on my site and buy anything there (whether it is something I linked or not), I receive a small commission at no cost to you.
The domain nyc-anime.com was originally registered by my friend Ralph Young; I have assumed the domain with his consent. You can view a copy of Ralph’s old site as of Autumn 1998.
My other anime web sites
I have been creating and maintaining websites starting in 1994, both personally and professionally. My anime-related sites include
- Clyde’s anime portal:
This site points to the others.
- New York City Anime: Anime-related events,
clubs, shops, and more in the New York City area
- Metro Anime, the site for the New York
City anime club Metro Anime (I maintain this site, but I did not design or
create it.)
- ConPix:
Anime Convention Pictures
- Clyde’s Anime Reviews
- Cincinnati Anime
Why I am an anime fan
Good anime is strikingly original, emotionally resonant, entertaining, and thought-provoking; a cut above most good home-grown products.
Great anime ranks with the highest art; it touches the heart and moves the soul. The works of Miyazaki Hayao, writer and director of the Oscar-winning Spirited Away, are in this class.
My life as an anime fan
I started to be mildly interested in anime in the mid-1980s. I consider that I became a serious fan early in 1991 when a friend lent me some tapes, and I said to myself, “I need to see more of this.” That September I attended my first anime convention: AnimeCon 91 in San Jose. Later that year I started actively trading anime tapes.
In 1992, I attended AnimeExpo, I became active in my local anime club in Cincinnati (where I lived then), and I got an Internet account. Anime fans were on the Internet when hardly anyone else was yet, because it was the best way to communicate with other fans and to learn about anime. (I make my living on the Internet now, but I started because of anime.)
I attended many more anime conventions in the following years, including AnimeExpo, KatsuCon, Otakon, and ShoujoCon. I was interviewed by a Japanese TV news crew at Otakon 1995; their broadcast did not include my interview, but did include a shot of me in my blue-on-white yukata (bathrobe/cotton kimono). I became deeply involved with the local Cincinnati con, SugoiCon, serving as con chair in 1996. I served as official photographer for several subsequent SugoiCons.
In March 1998 I moved to New York City for a job.
In April 1998 I went to Japan on a business trip, and did some anime-related shopping as well.
From April 1998 through the present I have been a member of the Metro Anime club.
Later in 1998, I created this New York City Anime web site.
In July 1998, I started taking digital photos of anime conventions, starting with AnimeExpo 1998. Many of these photos are on my site ConPix: Anime Convention Pictures
In 2000, I acquired the domain metroanime.org for the Metro Anime club. I became an anime reviewer for the Sci-Fi channel, writing 45 reviews over the course of the year; they were published on the Sci-Fi channel’s Anime Colony web site, now gone; I have archived them here: Clyde’s Anime Reviews. I became involved with the first ShoujoCon in 2000 as a volunteer and quasi-official photographer. I created the web site conpix.org for my photos of anime conventions and other anime fan events.
In 2001, I moved to California with my job. I kept in contact with anime fans in New York and Cincinnati, and kept the New York City Anime web page up to date.
In 2005, I acquired the domain nyc-anime.com from my friend and fellow Metro Anime club member Ralph Young for my New York City Anime web site. That same year, I took over hosting and updating the Metro Anime club web site at metroanime.org.
In 2007, I moved back to New York City.
In December 2007, at the first annual New York Anime Festival (NYAF) (later absorbed into New York Comic Con (NYCC)), I made a presentation and led a panel discussion on Anime in New York City. I have since hosted versions of this panel (renamed Finding Anime in NYC), at NYAF 2008, AnimeNEXT 2008, NYAF 2009, BAACon 2011, BAACon 2012, BAACon 2013, and BAACon 2014. I hosted a similar panel, Finding Manga in NYC, at MangaNEXT 2008.
In April 2008, I was the guide and source for a Time Out New York article on shopping in New york for anime, manga, and related merchandise.
From May 2008 through the present, I have been an officer (currently president) and board member of Asia Pacific Forums (APF), Ltd., a nonprofit New York corporation to promote Asian culture. All anime panels, presentations, and screenings I have personally hosted or co-hosted since then have been under the auspices of APF, Ltd.
In September 2008 at the
New York Anime Festival (NYAF),
I was a guest panelist on my friend
Roland Kelts’
Japanamerica panel.
(Roland is the author of
Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop
Culture has Invaded the US (2006) .)
This panel was the subject of an article,
and it was recorded and published as a
video playlist by my friend
Lawrence Brenner.
I am in part 11 & part
12 of the video playlist, and in the
article paragraph starting “To this, Adams added...
In May 2010, I gave my presentation “Impact! Anime Rocks America” presentation” .pdf, 1044 KB at the PJ Mini-Pop festival, under the auspices of APF, Ltd.
Staring in August 2013, I have been co-organizer and co-host of occasional free anime screenings at the Producers’ Club in Manhattan, under the auspices of the Metro Anime club, Sans Diego Film Shorts, and APF, Ltd.
Contact me at fan@nyc-anime.com